optometrist sylvain mcmahon, montreal, glasses montreal, cataract, glaucoma, eye disease, diabetes

Dr Sylvain Mc Mahon, optometrist

Dr Mc Mahon, optometrist, obtained his doctorate from the Université de Montréal at the start of the year 2000. In the following months after having graduated, he completed the exam National Canadian Examiners in Optometry. During his studies, he performed an externship in the United States while working in a hospital specialized in glaucoma and retina-related illnesses. He has since kept a special interest in the management of ocular diabetes. Dr Mc Mahon, optometrist, teaches at the School of Optometry at the Université de Montréal as a clinical instructor since 2003. His work consists primarily of teaching advanced examination techniques to graduating students, and of supervising their theoretical and practical training during their internships.

Dr Mc Mahon also acts as a guest speaker in Europe, where he lectures about ocular diseases and techniques used to detect them. He has been appointed by the Ordre des Optométristes du Québec (O.O.Q.) to give formal training to optometrists in the province of Quebec on a variety of subjects, including, among others, retinal illnesses, nutrition and medication. Furthermore, he gives first aid classes relative to eye-related work accidents. His preferred fields of competence include eyewear, contact lenses, and ocular illnesses. He also helps children with their visual rehabilitation treatments.

optometrist danielle jerome

Dr Danielle Jérôme, optometrist

Dr Danielle Jérôme began her practice in her hometown, Ste-Rose, after having graduated from the school of optometry at the Université de Montréal in 1979. Soon afterwards, she placed herself on the Montreal map. In 1980, she opened her first office on the St-Joseph Boulevard.

In December of 2011, she joined our team of optometrists at the St-Joseph Optometry Clinic in order to offer a greater array of services to her clientele.

In 2001, she took part in the elaboration of the content of the contact lens section of the Dictionnaire visuel des Éditions Québec Amérique. She has also been asked on several occasions to make the visual examination of subjects participating in research projects of the sleep-study center of the Hôpital du Sacré-Coeur de Montréal.


Dre Ariane Labonte Boyer, optometrist montreal. Eye Diseases, glasses, contact lenses, glaucoma, cataract, diabetes, optician, sunglasses

Dr Ariane Labonté-Boyer, optometrist

Originally from Laurentides, Dr Ariane Labonté Boyer first began studying architecture at the University of Montreal. She then entered optometry to obtain her doctorate in 2017. During her studies, she accomplished a three months internship at l’Institut de l’œil des Laurentides where she was able to improve her knowledge of the eye health. In addition, she was a recipient of the FDERC scholarship in 2014, which helped her complete an additional research internship in a Visual Neuroscience Laboratory.

Finally, all along her doctorate, her passion for optometry pushed her to become implicated within the student association. She also participated in a humanitarian trip in Peru. Dr Labonté Boyer offers an adapted practice for patients of all ages.

She wishes to produce eye health exams personalized to the specific needs of each patient while maintaining the highest standards. Her patients also greatly appreciate her for her listening as well as the attention that she offers them.


Charlotte Monette optometriste

Dr Charlotte Monette, optometrist

Dr. Charlotte Monette, optometrist, originally from Montreal, holds a doctorate in optometry from the University of Montreal. During her studies, she completed an internship in an ophthalmology center in Miami where she perfected her knowledge of eye health.

A great interest in contact lenses motivated her to join a specialized residency in this field which she is currently completing at the school of optometry of the University of Montreal. Moreover, she is also the recipient of the Jean-Louis Blanchard scholarship, awarded for her distinction in the field of contact lenses.

Dr. Monette is very dedicated and takes the eye health of her patients to heart. She is an optometrist who is very attentive to everyone's visual needs and is always ready to see you and provide the best services.

All our optometrists completed a special formation to be able to diagnose ocular pathologies and to treat most of them. This special permit allows them to prescribe any ocular medication to treat ocular infections, inflammation, allergies, dry eyes, and to extract foreign bodies from the eye. They also can perform a thorough examination of the back of the eye using techniques as a pupil dilation or gonioscopy.


Marine Gigan, optician and office manager



Éric Ledin, optician



Nicolas Hordé, optician



Eliott Billebaud, optician



Clarys, assistant and receptionnist



Gaëlle, optometric assistant



  Mélanie, optometrist assistant